Documentation for ICON use of DIET.ICO Icon for MS Windows 3.0 You will find a file on this disk called DIET.ICO which is an ICON for the DIETDISK program. While the program must be run as a NON-WINDOWS application, it is easy to be set up with your Program Manager and called from an ICON. You click on the FILE of the Program manager and choose NEW from the menu. That will open up the dialog box that has NEW at the top of it and the buttons for Program Group and Program ITEM, you choose Program item and click on OK. The next screen is PROGRAM ITEM PROPERTIES. You enter under the Description box....the title `DIETDISK' and then TAB to the Command box. Then you enter the drive\subdirectory\filename...which might look like this: C:\WIN\APPS\WTMENU.EXE WTMENU.EXE is the menu program for the DIETDISK. Then you click on the Box that says, CHANGE ICON. Now you get the SELECT ICON dialog box with a request for a File Name. Wherever you have stored the icon, which could still be on the floppy in the A: drive, or copied to your hard disk.....enter the complete drive and path such as.. C:\WIN\APPS\DIET.ICO Or wherever the ICON is stored (DIET.ICO) and finally click on NEXT and the ICON will appear in the window where the generic ICON has been. Then click OK on this box and OK on the next BOX and you have the DIETDISK ICON on your program group to call when you wish to run the program. If you have a problem installing the ICON, you may call me at the number listed elsewhere in the documentation or write to me at the address given. M.D. Smith